He consumed raw fruits and vegetables and he succeeded in the fight against the diseases!
Four years ago he found out that he suffers from diabetes. He was thirsty all the time. When he visited his doctor, he was shocked. The doctor measured his sugar and it was 29. He told him that his pancreas was no longer functioning and that he must use insulin.
He came to terms with the disease. He used insulin regularly and was very active physically. But, as the time was passing away, other medical problems occurred.
His triglyceride levels raised up to 16, his blood pressure was increased up to 150/100, so he started using way too many medicines…
So, in 2013 on the New Years Eve he decided that he is tired of the diseases and wanted to change that. He turned on the TV and saw the show “The Edge of Science” in which the main guest was Dr. John Zirdum who consumed only raw foods for 12 years.
He was very interested in this subject and decided to try this one. He decided to buy a blender and begin a new life.
It was difficult during the first week with all those temptations, but he was persistent and overcame them successfully. He had positive results in very short period. His blood sugar level reduced to 5.
It was unbelievable. He didn’t use insulin anymore, because it was clear that he will keep this sugar level if he continues with this diet. He thought if the sugar levels were to increase he will use insulin. But everything was fine and he even lost a few pounds.
He was losing almost a two pounds every day. He lost 22 pounds in 25 days. He became a completely new man since he started this diet regime four months ago. He removed the insulin from his daily routine and his blood pressure is 120/60. His triglycerides level is 1.4 and lost more than 40 pounds. He doesn’t use any pill at all.
Recipe of his favorite juice
- 5 kiwis
- A handful of kale
- 2 bananas
- 2 apples
- Pour half a liter of water over the ingredients
- 2.5g Korean Bamboo Salt
Drink half a liter of the juice in the morning and consume the rest of it through the day. When you are feeling hungry, you should eat fruit, fruit salads or consume tuna because of the vitamin B12 which is necessary for our organism.
There is no hunger, because the brain doesn’t know if the stomach is empty or not. He receives information from the blood, and the blood contains everything we need.
P/S: If you need my help to improve diabetes in 7 days, go here