Yogurt is the healthiest foods you can buy if it contains live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. bifidus, which are “good” bacteria—beneficial to the colon—in large amounts. These friendly bacteria are necessary for healthy digestive function. The presence of these friendly bacteria also helps in the prevention and treatment of yeast infections. Many people who are lactose intolerant (cannot digest milk) can consume yogurt with no negative effects. Yogurt is easier to digest than milk because the live cultures create lactase, the enzyme that lactose-intolerant people lack.
However, as with other foods, yogurt can only be as healthy as its source, and added ingredients can change it from good to bad. When purchasing yogurt, always choose an organic brand, which will be free of antibiotics and rBGH. Also, pay close attention to the sugar content. Plain yogurt will have the lowest sugar content, and fruit-added or sweetened yogurt will have the greatest amounts. Most yogurts today contain more sugar and flavorings than candy does!
Another great yogurt option is Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has gone through an extra straining process, creating its very creamy texture, higher protein content, and lower carbohydrate content. Greek yogurt is also more concentrated and has higher probiotic content than regular yogurt.
With its low-carb, high-protein content and live probiotics, Greek yogurt is a great option for any diabetic who is not intolerant to cow’s milk.
However, as with other foods, yogurt can only be as healthy as its source, and added ingredients can change it from good to bad. When purchasing yogurt, always choose an organic brand, which will be free of antibiotics and rBGH. Also, pay close attention to the sugar content. Plain yogurt will have the lowest sugar content, and fruit-added or sweetened yogurt will have the greatest amounts. Most yogurts today contain more sugar and flavorings than candy does!
Another great yogurt option is Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has gone through an extra straining process, creating its very creamy texture, higher protein content, and lower carbohydrate content. Greek yogurt is also more concentrated and has higher probiotic content than regular yogurt.
With its low-carb, high-protein content and live probiotics, Greek yogurt is a great option for any diabetic who is not intolerant to cow’s milk.