Diabetes is one of today’s top 5 frightening health issues. In America alone, almost 24 million have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and up to 57 million are considered pre-diabetic. The good news is, by taking adding diabetic diet guideli
While the best thing to do to avoid Diabetes is by having a healthy and balanced , diabetic diet plan.
1. Barley
nes below and practicing healthy lifestyle habits, type 2 diabetes can be controlled and even reversed.While the best thing to do to avoid Diabetes is by having a healthy and balanced , diabetic diet plan.
1. Barley

Barley contains a high amount of Arginine (14.3 mg/g) and this amino acid is used to release insulin from the pancreas and help increase glucose uptake in the muscle cells.
It has Chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity of the body tissues. It makes the body more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar. It acts as a :Travel Guide”, opening the door for the insulin to enter into the body cells. It lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people with type II diabetes
It has Vanadium which activates insulin receptors, making the beta cell of the pancreas produce more insulin, resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.
It has Chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity of the body tissues. It makes the body more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar. It acts as a :Travel Guide”, opening the door for the insulin to enter into the body cells. It lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people with type II diabetes
It has Vanadium which activates insulin receptors, making the beta cell of the pancreas produce more insulin, resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.

2. Guava
Guava has high level of Vitamin C which helps reduce the damage of cells linked with diabetes. Also, consuming guava without the skin can reduce sugar absorption in the blood stream.
Guava has high level of Vitamin C which helps reduce the damage of cells linked with diabetes. Also, consuming guava without the skin can reduce sugar absorption in the blood stream.

3. Beef
Many ‘experts’ claim that lean red meat is bad for you; but people with diabetes can eat beef, The trick is knowing how much to eat. In fact red meat such as beef is great for combating diabetes. One should choose a standard serving of lean beef cuts such as fillet, sirloin or rump.
The protein will keep you fuller for longer and fight off unwanted cravings that might leaf you to eating unhealthy foods, less hunger means less insulin spikes.
Many ‘experts’ claim that lean red meat is bad for you; but people with diabetes can eat beef, The trick is knowing how much to eat. In fact red meat such as beef is great for combating diabetes. One should choose a standard serving of lean beef cuts such as fillet, sirloin or rump.
The protein will keep you fuller for longer and fight off unwanted cravings that might leaf you to eating unhealthy foods, less hunger means less insulin spikes.

4. Avocado
Avocado is high in monounsaturated fats, which are generally considered among the healthiest of fats and is slow digesting, keeping blood sugar from spiking too much after meals.
Researchers have found that a diet high in monounsaturated fats and low in low-quality carbs may improve insulin sensitivity. Monounsaturated fats can even help reverse the effects of insulin resistance and stop any risks of diabetes, also improve heart health — an especially important benefit for people with diabetes, who are at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke.
Avocado is high in monounsaturated fats, which are generally considered among the healthiest of fats and is slow digesting, keeping blood sugar from spiking too much after meals.
Researchers have found that a diet high in monounsaturated fats and low in low-quality carbs may improve insulin sensitivity. Monounsaturated fats can even help reverse the effects of insulin resistance and stop any risks of diabetes, also improve heart health — an especially important benefit for people with diabetes, who are at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke.

5. Flax seed
Flax seed hopes in lowering sugar level. It is also a great source of magnesium which is an important mineral that helps cells use insulin and metabolise fat. It is a good addition to any diabetics’ diet plan.
Flax seed hopes in lowering sugar level. It is also a great source of magnesium which is an important mineral that helps cells use insulin and metabolise fat. It is a good addition to any diabetics’ diet plan.

6. Peanut butter
Peanut butter’s low carbohydrate content keeps blood sugar under control, while its healthy fats satisfy the appetite for several hours. Monounsaturated fats contained in peanut butter are also a healthy support for your metabolism. All-natural peanut butter is appropriate on a diabetic diet.
Peanut butter’s low carbohydrate content keeps blood sugar under control, while its healthy fats satisfy the appetite for several hours. Monounsaturated fats contained in peanut butter are also a healthy support for your metabolism. All-natural peanut butter is appropriate on a diabetic diet.

7. Mangosteen
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that grows in India and the Philippines. The amount of antioxidants present in mangosteen offer some benefit for those with diabetes specifically in boosting the immune system and in lowering blood cholesterol level in the blood.
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that grows in India and the Philippines. The amount of antioxidants present in mangosteen offer some benefit for those with diabetes specifically in boosting the immune system and in lowering blood cholesterol level in the blood.

8. Apple
Apples are low in calories but high in fibre, (4g per apple!) and stop hunger and insulin spikes between meals and a good source of vitamin C. Apples also counteract bad cholesterol and stop erratic spiking of the blood sugar in us. Apple skins are full with anti oxidants, you will be better off eating it also.
Apples are low in calories but high in fibre, (4g per apple!) and stop hunger and insulin spikes between meals and a good source of vitamin C. Apples also counteract bad cholesterol and stop erratic spiking of the blood sugar in us. Apple skins are full with anti oxidants, you will be better off eating it also.

9. Broccoli
Eating broccoli could reverse the damage caused by diabetes to heart blood vessels”, BBC News reported. Broccoli is known as a super food and is packed full of anti-oxidants and enough Vitamin C for your whole day in just one serving. Broccoli also has good amounts of chromium which regulates safe blood sugar in your veins and arteries.
Eating broccoli could reverse the damage caused by diabetes to heart blood vessels”, BBC News reported. Broccoli is known as a super food and is packed full of anti-oxidants and enough Vitamin C for your whole day in just one serving. Broccoli also has good amounts of chromium which regulates safe blood sugar in your veins and arteries.